Gnocchi Alla Sorrentina is a delicious, classic dish that will seriously reward your attention and effort. As you might have noticed from its name, gnocchi alla sorrentina originated in Sorrento, Italy. This lovely, picturesque town on the Amalfi coast is home to stunning views, historic sites, and of course a slew of culinary delights. It’s a wonderful place and an even better one because it’s given us this dish. And while this recipe originated here, it incorporates ingredients from all over. And this wide representation is appropriate, because no matter where I’ve gone in Italy, I’ve always been able to find amazing meals that respect the tradition and pride for which this lovely country is known.


One of my favorite memories of enjoying this very dish was in Venice of all places, and during autumn at that. There was a gentle rainfall, boats floating silently in the waterways, the architecture everywhere glistening in the light. It was chilly but refreshingly so, and I remember my husband and I each grabbing a cup of mulled wine as we meandered about the labrynthine pathways, admiring the city’s charm and looking for a place to eat. On that day gnocchi alla sorrentina was the exemplification of coziness, a bit of warm rejuvenation during a brisk and beautiful outing. The concentration and depth of its flavors have remained with me since, and I hope with this recipe to recreate what I felt that afternoon. 

So much of what makes Italian food amazing is on display here. The recipe is deceivingly straight-forward, and the intensity and richness of the flavors presented make it seem like there’s much more going on than there really is. And since there are so few ingredients, every ingredient is key, and none of them have anywhere to hide, which means they must be of excellent quality in order to work. Thankfully, DeLallo’s fine products work perfectly in a recipe such as this.


DeLallo’s Extra Virgin Olive Oil works very well as the main way to start this dish. Their olive oil uses no chemicals, is made from high quality olives grown, harvested, and pressed in Italy, and has a substantial, concentrated flavor. To the oil is added some garlic, which provides its signature spicy kick to the recipe. And adding to the spice is a helping of Chopped Calabrian Chili Peppers. These chilies are a staple in southern Italy and hail from Calabria, where they’re grown and harvested fresh. Chopped and packed in olive oil, these chilies add a smoky and spicy set of flavors to this dish. Next are crushed tomatoes, and I specifically recommend DeLallo’s San Marzano Style Crushed Tomatoes. These are grown in the Naples region of Italy, right next to Sorrento. Their meaty texture, low acidity, and sweet flavor make them an excellent choice for authentic Italian recipes. Potato Gnocchi is the main part of this dish. This northern Italian traditional pasta has a light and fluffy texture that nevertheless remains stable in any application you choose. Italian cooks often add a whole peeled carrot to their tomato-based recipes, and I do this here as well. It reduces the acidity of the tomatoes and adds a subtle sweetness that bring balance to this dish. Lastly, I add mozzarella for it’s gentle flavor and creamy consistency, and some basil for its herby and aromatic contributions.

Altogether, these ingredients coalesce to create a dynamic and satisfying experience. No matter where you live, this will bring the riches of a handful of regions in Italy and centuries of tradition right into your home to enjoy. Buon appetito!



Serves 4-6

¼ cup DeLallo Extra Virgin Olive Oil

5 cloves garlic, crushed

½ tsp DeLallo Chopped Calabrian Chili Peppers

1, 28 oz can DeLallo San Marzano Style Crushed Tomatoes

1 whole small carrot, peeled

¾-1 cup fresh basil leaves, plus extra for garnish 

½ tsp kosher salt

1, 16oz package DeLallo Potato Gnocchi

4-6 oz fresh mozzarella cheese, cubed

Grated parmesan cheese, optional garnish


Add the olive oil, crushed garlic, and calabrian chilies to a medium, cold pot. Set over medium-low heat and cook until the garlic becomes fragrant and takes on some color, about 8 minutes.

Add the crushed tomatoes to the pot along with the carrot. Roughly tear the basil leaves and add them to the pot along with ½ tsp kosher salt.

Stir everything together, bring to a simmer, then cover with a lid. Adjust the heat as necessary and let simmer for 30 minutes. During the last 10 minutes of the sauce simmering, heat the oven to 375°F. Remove the carrot from the sauce, taste, then add additional salt as needed. 

Bring a large pot of salted water to a rolling boil. Add the gnocchi and let cook until they begin to float to the top of the water, about 3-4 minutes, then remove with a slotted spoon.

Add the cooked gnocchi to the sauce, tossing to coat. If the pot is not ovenproof, transfer the sauce and gnocchi to an ovenproof baking dish. Sprinkle the cubed mozzarella over the top of the gnocchi, then place in the oven.

Cook the gnocchi for 15-20 minutes, or until the sauce is bubbling and the cheese takes on a bit of color. If desired, you can broil for 30-45 seconds to get a little char on the cheese.

Serve while hot. Garnish with fresh basil and parmesan cheese if desired.

Thank you to DeLallo for sponsoring this post!

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